Back in 2021 I had the pleasure and the fortune to take part to a Workshop organized by:
Maria Pina Usai | Landscape Architect U-BOOT lab
Stefania Toro | Lighting designer CONDIVISO
Giorgia Brusemini | Designer and Italian Ambassador Women in Lighting
Martina Frattura | lighting designer
Giusy Gallina | architectural lighting designer, IALD associate
Partner: Space Cannon
Media Partner: Ognicasailluminata
From this workshop we all had the chance to co-create a project about the Diga Foranea in Genoa, Italy.
Quoting the description inside Stefania Toro’s website:
<<Through the analysis and planning of the professionals during the 4 days of the workshop, a temporary lighting project for a portion of the Genoa breakwater was developed. The lighting design intervention focuses on raising awareness of the issue of rising seas and climate change, inserting itself as an incisive element with an important scenic and communicative impact within the next Festival Zones Portuaires Genoa. The rise of the seas, in the next 50 years, will not involve the Port and the inhabitants of Genoa but we invite a “reflection” on the topic as a useful thought process to better know, deepen and understand this global problem that concerns everyone. The question being asked is: Do you care? Let’s reflect on the sea. At a design level, it was therefore chosen to use “reflection” as an optical phenomenon characterizing the concept and poetics of the lighting intervention that will be implemented. As a strong differentiating sign, the 12 designers also include the “natural light” component in the installation proposal, since the lighting designer is a professional who uses light, albeit impalpable, as a construction material, whether natural or artificial.>>
The 12 authors of this project, in a whole female group, were:
Beatrice Bertolini, Lighting Designer, coordinatrice IALD UK, Londra
Camila Blanco, Architectural Lighting Designer, Milano, Italia
Giorgia Brusemini, Designer e Ambasciatrice Italiana Women in Lighting, Milano, Italia
Chiara Carucci, Lighting Designer, IALD Nordic, Stoccolma, Svezia
Simona Cosentino, Arch. Lighting Designer, Torino, Italia
Martina Frattura, Lighting Designer, Lisbona, Portogallo
Giusy Gallina, Architectural Lighting Designer, membro IALD, Torino, Italia
Liliana Iadeluca, Lighting Designer e Light Painter, Genova, Italia
Marta Mannino, Architectural Lighting Designer, Bergamo, Italia
Carla Morganti, Lighting Designer, Parigi, Francia
Sarah Elise Sartore, Lighting Designer, Bergamo, Italia
Stefania Toro, Lighting Designer, Genova, Italia
For more info: